The Last Eight Months


The last eight months have been a bit of a whirlwind. All aboard for a whistle-stop tour of my last two terms at Royal Welsh…!

January: Reasons To Be Pretty (contemporary four-hander by Neil LaBute) costume assistant assignment at RWCMD – sourcing and prep.

Steph sketch and costume

Costume design and sketch by Eleri Lloyd

February: Reasons To Be Pretty show run and strike. Begin research & development for Ubu Roi conceptual costume design and construction project.

Ubu Roi research sheet

Ma Ubu, Pa Ubu, and Cpt MacNure research

March: Ubu Roi rough sketches. Captain MacNure costume construction.

costume construction process

costume construction process

April: SPRING BREAK! 5 day work experience at Pinewood Studios on The Bastard Executioner. Complete Captain MacNure costume. Photoshoot with actor in completed costume.

Captain MacNure jumping

Photography: Cindy Lin. Model: Jonny Holden

May: term officially starts again. Final Ubu Roi costume drawings. Work on costume design assignment for two pieces in Alternative Routes at National Dance Company Wales. Exhibition prep tutorials on exhibition design/layout, catalogue images and copy, portfolio, and CV.

Exhibition design SketchUp

Here, just learn to use SketchUp real quick

June: make costumes for Alternative Routes during exhibition fit-up. Try and fail to do both at once. Exhibition opens during Alternative Routes tech week. I feel like crying most of the time. Alternative Routes opens – hurrah! Alternative Routes closes on the same day as Cardiff exhibition get-out. FML.

“Six” by Declan Whitaker. Lighting design by Hristo Takov.

July: London exhibition at Oxo Tower, Southbank. My flats fall down during fit-up (twice), but the flatwork and costumes miraculously survive. Exhibition opens, we all drink for a week, pack up, and go back to Cardiff. Grad Ball. Move home. Remember how to drive.

exhibition at Oxo Tower


August: Move to Bristol to start work as Creative Skillset Costume Trainee on BBC One period drama The Living And The Dead.

September: stay tuned!

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